
The Tragedy of Illegal Migration from Africa to Europe: What Really Happens and What Can Be Done About It?

The Tragedy of Illegal Migration from Africa to Europe: What Really Happens and What Can Be Done About It?

Italy has become a destination of hope for people fleeing other countries; especially Africans seeking a better life and future for themselves and their families. Their endeavour is fueled by these hopes, despite the risk and horror associated with the migration process, which has become an ordeal for many in recent years. The journey is not a direct and straight one.

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In an Era of Increasing Human Mobility, Brazil Lags Behind

In an Era of Increasing Human Mobility, Brazil Lags Behind

The social, political and economic crisis in Venezuela has led to one of the largest and most overlooked refugee catastrophes in the world. The Venezuelan economy is in free fall due to government-led mismanagement and corruption. The country is experiencing hyperinflation with the value of their currency plummeting and the costs of goods and services increasing drastically.  The country’s GDP has declined by one third in five years, with a further 15% decrease expected this year.

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Could Development Funding Turn the Tide on Ocean Pollution?

Could Development Funding Turn the Tide on Ocean Pollution?

“We’re being overwhelmed by our waste” is the daunting verdict on ocean plastic pollution by environmental engineer, Jenna Jambeck. Her statement is sustained by the recently discovered “plastic island”, an area covered in trash from around the world, as well as the existence of several garbage patches in the Pacific, including one larger than the country of Mexico. Despite these alarming statistics, very little has been done internationally to reduce the use of plastics or divert them from our waterways. This poses the question, if ocean plastic pollution is such a significant global issue, why is it not included as a development issue?

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